About the author

A.V. Rogers lives in the Finger Lakes region of upstate NY. A.V. has a lifelong love of the horror genre and all things supernatural. The start of A.V. Rogers' writing bug started with a storyline that came as an inspirational dream. Putting that storyline from pen to paper (or keys to screen) became a passion.

What inspired my first novel, Dollhouse?

My story might seem a bit unusual to some, although maybe not for most authors.
I'm a big fan of horror books/movies and the supernatural. As I was falling asleep one night, the beginning of Dollhouse came to me, and I thought, “This is so cool! I'm going to write it down.” Later, the same thing happened, but this time, it was the end of the story.
After many months of research and imagination, Dollhouse became a story.
Four years later, with the support of a local writers' group and my mentor, Joseph gary crance, I was encouraged to continue.
A year later, with many changes, excellent advice, and the push I needed, my first novel is finished. This book would never have surfaced if it wasn't for Joe's encouragement, positive words, and a great deal of help with my many questions.